That's fine, I have no problem with that,if you and your partner are happy like that. But the gist of your recent comments seems to me to have been that this is how everybody should feel, and it isn't. Not everybody is a switcher, and not everybody wants to be. My own sexual temperament has always been submissive, I have never felt the slightest bit like taking the dominant role, ever.

I can understand that you perhaps have some difficulty with the nature of this website, because I did myself when I originally found it. My initial reaction was quite hostile, I was thrown into confusion by the notion that here were people living the way I'd always fantasised about living. I was contemptuous of the idea that a woman would, in reality allow a man to tell her what to do, make decisions etc, because nobody lives like that nowadays, or so I thought.

That at any rate is what I thought with the surface of my mind, but underneath other things were going on, and I soon had to realise that this was what I really wanted for myself. I didn't think it was possible, because I didn't think my husband would be able to do it, not as a permanent thing rather than just as a sex game. As it turns out, I underestimated him, he took to it with surprising ease, and seems very happy with the situation.

Now, I have absolutely no problem with you wanting to do spanking just as a sex game, switching, spanking parties all the rest of it -- that suits you, that's great. But I have discovered that for myself it's about more than that, it's more than a game, and it goes deeper than that. Not as deep for me as it is for some of the people on this site, because I'm not a very deep sort of person, but deep enough to make it somewhat different to your experience.

Some people are switchers, some aren't. You are, I'm not. Try to understand that not everybody is the same as you.

by Louise C on 2004 Oct 23 - 06:09 | reply to this comment
Not Everyone Is the Same
Louise, I agree with you 100% that not everyone is or has to be a switch. What I was trying to express in the last post was that people can and do change, and that a man who never had any submissive thoughts can wake up one morning with a submissive thought about what it might be like to be spanked.

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