Johnny Milfquest says:
 June 17, 2011 at 2:33 pm
 @Aldonza, I love your new profile pic. Its awesome.
 Yes folks, I’m drunk. Pimms, lemonade and vodka FTW.
 Johnny Milfquest´s last [type] ..Friday Night: Preparing To Go Dolo In Dodgy Town.
 C says:
 June 17, 2011 at 4:34 pm
 The Jezebels of the world are going to, sure as the sky is blue, create the noose that will be used to (figuratively) hang them. With these statements, its clear that they are self destructive either intentionally (because they are completely ant-society and committed to it at all costs) or they aren’t intelligent enough to think about the very, very real response that society would have if the “spread STD’s” meme were to become a widely acknowledged mainstream directive of their movement. While I loathe their values, in general, I have at least always thought of them as a group of women of likely a little above average intelligence who are very good at leading a wider group of women with mostly average intelligence (as most groups are comprised of people of average intelligence – its the leadership that matters – also, the lack of ability by the jezebel masses to construct cogent arguments tends to be very telling). However, the not so long term ramifications of this meme are extremely easy to see. This makes me question the leaderships analytical ability and therefore their intelligence.
 I now see them as a likely a bunch of over educated new york spoiled children of overall average intelligence who cannot control the egotistical inflation that would come with having such a leadership, and are now willing to spout very predictable directives (from a sociological perspective) that will ultimately cause an extreme societal backlash from society and have the reverse effect that they are looking for. It takes logic and intelligence to see how this would certainly play out. Their directive is undoubtedly based, instead, in emotion stemming from extreme self-interest.
 Here’s what would happen: word of this “spread STD’s” directive would hit the mainstream media and immediately legislation would be enacted to protect average family oriented people from the Jezebels of the world who are knowingly and intentionally spreading disease. The legal basis would be very clear at this point, as it is already in place in the form of all of the very well established law in this country that protects people from injury (ironically, feminists have more than benefited from this in the form of the extremely heavy handed version in family law). What would occur is that people would start to be compensated, on a widespread basis, for contracting STD’s from partners who knowingly (or perhaps unknowingly) gave the STD. Women (and men) with STD’s would have to start getting waivers signed before sex to indemnify themselves from liability. This extra step would cause much further marginalization of STD carriers than currently exists; hence, having the opposite effect of what these low IQ completely self-centered morons are suggesting.

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