by ConfusedOfHomeCounties on 2004 Nov 27 - 16:14 | reply to this comment
Agree and Disagree
I would say I agree with some of what you are saying but definitely not all of it. While it's easy to enumerate some of the stupid excesses of radical feminism, let us not forget the stupid excesses of patriarchy that they have reacted against. It's not as if all was well before the radical feminists appeared on the scene.

How about the debates that used to take place (between men of course) on whether women even have a soul? Like being classed with the barnyard animals, do we? How about that man who said that a woman talking in public was like a dog walking on its hind legs: the wonder being not that it is done well but that it is done at all. Would you have enjoyed living in an atmosphere where there was at once a prettified romantic view of women up on a pedestal (and sexless) and at the same time a complete contempt for women and their aspirations beyond the household?

How can you say that we have achieved our goals, when our salaries are still only 3/4 of what a man earns in the same job? How can you say that when there are so few women legislators and there are still glass ceilings in so many businesses?

I've read the feminist arguments against S & M and there I am in agreement with you that no one, whatever label he or she slaps on, has any right to tell me what I may do in my personal relationship or in my bedroom. Now there, I think it is not such a matter of feminist pervasion into the bedroom, though. I know the arguments and I reject them. If men and women alike can't figure out what it is they want without having to read a political tract first, well, that's too bad about them. You obviously have no such problem. Neither do I.

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